Posted by Dr. Chadwallah
The very first Happy Tutor, at least of English stock. Tutor's great-great-great-great-great, great-great-great-great-great, great-great-great-great-great grandfather. From Holbein's portrait of the Happy Tutor in Erasmus's Praise of Folly.
Given the depth of Wealth Bondage in our time, I do hope that I can be forgiven for this modest exercise in scholarship. Many are scandalized today by The Happy Tutor and seem to consider him some vile pornographer or revolutionary. He is made to skulk at the margins of society, while lesser Fools sell out their honored profession, and grow rich and famous themselves, courting the rich and famous. Tutor is a Pariah in Corporate Life, not to be mentioned in polite company, hunted from town to town by Captain Blowtorch and the Armies of Compassion. But, really, what could be more conservative and more honorable than to imitate a work of art from the Dark Ages, written (for Christ's Sake) by a Monk?
They may think of him that way, Dr. Chadwallah, but every Saturday night the queue stretches for blocks and you can hear the hoarse cries of joy from members of his penitent flock as their needs are met behind his Dumpster.
Posted by: Harry | July 25, 2004 at 06:49 PM
It would be tactless of me to name names, of course. But you are right. The best kept secret of the rich and famous is their love of Corporal Punishment, Humiliation, and Domestic Discipline. They know they get away with murder, their outrageious behavior, whether at home or abroad, is a bratty plea for help. The more they are beaten, the better they like it. Until their will breaks and they experience the joy of giving. Submission to a will stronger than their own.
Posted by: Tutor | July 25, 2004 at 07:48 PM
This guy, here, he don't skulk ... nowhere, no way
Posted by: Jon Husband | July 26, 2004 at 11:58 AM
The html for this link didn't work :-(
Any way, he doesn't skulk on anybody's margins.
Posted by: Jon Husband | July 26, 2004 at 12:00 PM
The link may have been down, but is valid, Jon. Thanks for the compliment. Being a Fetish Action Figure comes with a certain perogatives. Many a truth is best told in jest.
Posted by: Tutor | July 26, 2004 at 03:51 PM