One Line Bio
Venture Capitalist and Social Venture Partner, CEO of Wealth Bondage
A Social Venture Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, Candidia has built and bankrupted entire industries, squandered billions, thrown millions out of work, and achieved in the process a vast personal fortune.
A graduate of Harvard Business School, Candidia heads Heavenly Choir, Inc., investing in Sustainable Social Ventures with a double bottom line. Her current portfolio includes Lady Chocolate, making and marketing a line of organic candy through boutique retailers; Cosmotic Soap developed from seaweed to tone and tighten skin dehydrated by airline travel; and Optima Child Care, a chain of Day Care Centers provided as an amenity by Gated Communities.
Candy is a member of the Philanthropy Round Table. She mentors Politicians, Journalists, and Religious Leaders for a life of Public Service. Mistress Cruikshanks is Founder and CEO of Rooster Foundation, Crowing in the New American Century.
In Her Own Words
I have $1 bil and a fucking Harvard MBA. What do you have, little man?
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